Shanghai InterOp

Rob Seaman seaman at
Fri Mar 3 15:10:07 CET 2017

Hi Pierre and all,

> We (Baptiste Cecconi, Regis Haigron, Michel Gangloff and I) proposed
> to make a short presentation on implementation of two VOEvents server
> using Comet. The purpose this time is not Comet but :
> Achitecture multi server because we have Event from lot of origins and
> trouble we faced.
Good to see operational issues addressed.

> The two project are :
> - Fripon accumulating data and give information about falling of
> meteorite, if combine a private network with VOEvent server and a
> Proxy public VOEvent server

> - Europlanet - PSWS space weather event, for this case we have some
> feed back on difficulty we face to build VOEvent 2.0 with
> informations. It's mainly the dependency of STC that is only partially
> implemented in VOEvent 2.0 and doesn't allow planetary science
> description.
The document is normative, not the example schema. Anything that can be
expressed in <ObservationLocation> plus <ObservatoryLocation> is
permitted. If STC v1.30 supports a "planetary science description", then
so can VOEvent.

IVOA should engage with the planetary science community (as it should
with other astronomical use cases) to see its standards used more widely.

> Architecture is two redundant VOEvent server that will also provide a
> TAD service of VOEvent history plus a tweeter service that relay some
> events.
Great idea for a redundant broker!

Rob Seaman
Lunar and Planetary Laboratory

> On 03/02/2017 06:53 PM, John Swinbank wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> An update on the below:
>> Following discussions with the Data Access Layer and Data Model working
>> groups, the plan is to hold a joint session of all three groups in
>> Shanghai to consider time domain use cases. This will be an ideal
>> opportunity to discuss the Time Series Cube DM, as well as to raise
>> other issues relating to time series data.
>> Enrique/José, it seems to me that your proposed presentation on the
>> COROT time series service would fit well into this joint session. Do you
>> agree?
>> There will also be an opportunity to have a TDIG-only session, likely
>> focusing more heavily on the latest developments in VOEvent. If you
>> would like to contribute to that session, please let me (and/or the
>> mailing list) know.
>> Comments, suggestions, etc welcome.
>> Cheers,
>> John
>> John Swinbank wrote on 2017-02-23:
>>> Dear all,
>>> The next IVOA Interoperability Meeting (“Northern Spring 2017”) will
>>> take place in Shanghai in mid-May. It'd be great to use this
>>> opportunity
>>> for a TDIG get-together. In particular, this is a good opportunity to
>>> discuss Jiří's heroic efforts on the Time Series Cube DM[1].
>>> Who'll be there? What else would you like to see on the agenda? Please
>>> feel free to volunteer yourself to lead a discussion and/or suggest
>>> sessions you'd like us to find somebody else to run.
>>> Cheers,
>>> John
>>> [1]

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