IAU Symposium 339: Southern Horizons in Time-Domain Astronomy

Rob Seaman seaman at lpl.arizona.edu
Thu Feb 23 19:56:32 CET 2017

Of interest to the IVOA TDIG: FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT IAU S339: Southern
Horizons in Time-Domain Astronomy Stellenbosch (near Cape Town), South
Africa, November 13-17, 2017 http://iaus339.ast.uct.ac.za/ Studies of
variability constitute immensely important sources of information about
how objects in the cosmos form and evolve. Variability can involve
times-scales from a millisecond to a century and beyond, and it can
embrace the whole electromagnetic spectrum or just one portion of it.
New techniques, new technology, new data-mining skills or just more
persistence are extending the realms of time-domain astronomy (TDA) and
our capacity to capture information in novel and exciting ways, driving
theory and inspiring searches for new kinds of phenomena. S339 will
tackle a broad spectrum of topics by seeking commonalities among quite
different kinds of objects that display similar types of variability,
drawing information and ideas from the many new and up-coming surveys,
particularly those in the southern hemisphere, and opening discussions:
Is communication adequate? Are follow-ups optimal? Are data-mining tools
sufficient? Specific topics will be examined in Workshops which
attendees are invited to organize. Registration will be open shortly.
Limited travel funding from the IAU may be awarded to students and to
those from developing countries. A link on the website will explain the
eligibility for grants, and includes the application form required and
the dates.

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