Comet release 2.0.0

John Swinbank swinbank at
Mon Feb 1 01:29:41 CET 2016

Dear all,

I’m pleased to announce the release of version 2.0.0 of Comet, my implementation of the VOEvent Transport Protocol.

Note that version 2.0.0 contains some backwards incompatible changes. Highlights of this release include:

    Drop support for Python 2.6, following the same change made in Twisted.

    Improve checking for valid IVORNs.

    Switch dependency from `ipaddr-py`_ to `py2-ipaddress`_. The latter is a
    backport of the Python 3 functionality, so this helps clear the way for an
    eventual Python 3 version of Comet.

    Use the ``$TMPDIR`` environment variable, if set, to store the event
    database. Otherwise, fall back to ``tmp``.

    Some extremely old versions of Comet (dating from before the 1.0.0
    release) used a different format for the database of seen events. All
    released versions through 1.2.2 automatically update old-style databases
    to the new format when run. As of this release, this support for legacy
    databases has been dropped. It is necessary to use a previous Comet
    release to update the database format before upgrading to this version.

    Refactoring the codebase caused a minor API change: logging facilities are
    now available from the ``comet.log`` module. End user code — notably event
    handling plugins — should replace statements to the effect of ``from
    comet.utility import log`` with ``import comet.log as log``. The
    convenience aliases ``log.msg`` and ``log.warning`` have been removed: use
    ```` and ``log.warn`` instead.

Comet is available for download from <>. It is released under an open source (2 clause BSD) license, and development takes place at <>. Your questions, comments, feedback and pull requests are welcome.



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