'fourpiskytools' - Simple Python examples demonstrating how to send and receive VOEvents

Rob Seaman seaman at noao.edu
Thu Nov 13 15:50:19 CET 2014

Forwarded to a couple of lists here.


> On Nov 13, 2014, at 6:32 AM, Tim Staley <tim.staley at astro.ox.ac.uk> wrote:
> Dear TDIG,
> I've recently put together some Python examples demonstrating how to get started working with VOEvent, at a level which I hope will be appropriate for the typical observational astronomer. The aim here is to get the present-day transient follow-up community to stop publishing reports exclusively on web-pages, and start using the standards that you've all worked so hard on.
> If you're interested, I encourage you to take a look, and perhaps spread the word to likely observational teams:
> https://github.com/timstaley/fourpiskytools
> Comments or feedback welcome, as ever.
> Best regards,
> Tim.

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