Remaining metadata for VOEventRegExt

John Swinbank swinbank at
Mon Jan 13 03:25:32 PST 2014

Hi Matthew,

On 09 Jan 2014, at 19:19 , Matthew Graham <mjg at> wrote:

> In a final attempt to get VOEventRegExt - the registry extension spec for VOEvent infrastructure -, we need to figure out what the minimum amount of metadata we want to collect in a registry record related to publishing and querying events is. Does a reference URL suffice or is there more that you would want to see when doing resource discovery to help you figure out whether this is the one you want to use?

My inclination is to keep this as straightforward as possible unless somebody has a compelling use case for complexity. With that in mind, I vote for just a reference URL, unless somebody can step forward and explain why that’s inadequate.

Is the current draft version the same as you circulated in October last year? As I recall, I sent some specific comments on that at the time — if it would be useful, I can look them out for you. If there’s been another iteration of the document, perhaps you could circulate it to the list?



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