alternate word for "follow-up"?

Rob Seaman seaman at
Sun Apr 27 07:51:16 PDT 2014

Ok, so far we have:

	event response
	dynamic event response
	super observation

and some prose descriptions:

	We will choose targets for follow-up.
	We will choose targets to nail their class/identity.

I've used phrasing like:

	community follow-up
	rapid response
	transient alert response

Then there are variations of:

	multi-messenger astronomy

and the whole universe of:

	time domain astronomy observing modes

The question is how best to convey the general characteristic(s) shared by empirical investigations relying on target-of-opportunity observations resulting from time domain surveys or serendipitous discoveries.  These characteristics include elements of:

	quick turn-around
	autonomous / robotic operations
	planning for the unknown
	expanding wavelength coverage
	complementing photometry with spectroscopy
	exploring broader regions of phase space
	accumulating time series (longitudinal coverage)
	characterization / classification
	data mining / informatics
	decision theory
	operations research

(What did I miss?)

Which is to say that part of the problem here is that one word is being asked to convey nuances of many possible experimental designs.

So there's plenty of phrasings available using several words, and a brief elevator speech paragraph could capture any single example of the many possible observing modes addressing a particular experiment, but what is the brand name?

Follow-up is indeed about the shortest term of art.  (I'm skeptical we'll succeed in an attempt to eliminate the hyphen.)  But it contains the word "follow", unappealing to any funding agency.

We can embrace the hyphen:  rapid-response, enhanced-observations, augmented-data.  Focus on the resulting observing modes: ToO, queue.  Combine the two: rapid-queue.

There was a blossoming of the word serendipity in the 1980s, so could focus on chance words like adventitious or fortuitous.  New age (or age old) concepts like synchronicity:

	Effect without a cause
	Sub-atomic laws, scientific pause

Google this and you'll start down the rabbit hole, though I'm sure Alice has something to say on this subject.

Perhaps there's some language we could borrow from more general overlapping fields like complex event processing?  Or more "hopeful" words like opportunity and fortune.  Many time related words.

For surveys or other discovery/monitoring projects there are words like guide, trailblazer and pathfinder.  What are the similarly inspiring words for those who seek ways to amplify the benefit of the original, perhaps sketchy and uncertain, discoveries?  "Follow" suggests a group pursuing a trail in the wilderness: one scouting at the front, some in the middle, another watching out after.

In racing this is the anchor leg.  In baseball, batting clean-up (or cleanup ;-)  In a patrol, what's the word for watching everybody's back?  There have been many astronomy projects described as things like "sky patrols".  Having patrolled the sky, then what?


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