Time series in IVOA?

Rob Seaman seaman at noao.edu
Mon Jan 30 06:25:00 PST 2012


The IVOA Roadmap for 2012 is now available:

> From: Christophe Arviset <Christophe.Arviset at esa.int>
> Subject: The IVOA in 2011: Technical Assessment and Roadmap for 2012
> Date: January 30, 2012 3:07:44 AM MST
> To: interop at ivoa.net
> Dear all
> Following many inputs from Working Groups and Interest Groups chairs and vice-chairs, "The IVOA in 2011: Technical Assessment and Roadmap for 2012" has been endorsed by the IVOA Exec and is now available at:
> http://www.ivoa.net/Documents/Notes/IVOATechRoadmap2011/index.html
> Many thanks to all the people who have participated to this document !

VOEvent is mentioned a couple of dozen times.  We should be eager to see the registry work move forward, for instance.  I'm skeptical that cone search in a time window really addresses the science use cases for SEAP, however.

On the other hand, time series are mentioned just three times.  Massively backpedaling on the schedule (2012 is for use cases when 2010/2011 was previously a target for the final product):

> 3.3.7 Other DAL standards
> ...
> Time Series and Event access protocols require that data model work be closer to completion before the DAL WG can assess whether existing standards can be used or new standards are required. Specifically, we expect to use TAP for discovery (along the same lines as the ObsCoreDM is used) and will try to use other DAL standards (e.g. DataLink and PQL) to satisfy other use cases. We will be collecting use cases in 2012.

and similarly underwhelming:

> 3.4.1 Relationship between the various Data Models
> ...
> 	o A potential TimeSerieDM still to be defined

and very subjunctively:

> 3.8.2 Other VOEvent standards
> Following the early discussions which have taken place within the VOEvent WG about a possible Simple Light Curve Access Protocol (SLiCAP), it now appears that once the time series data model is defined, light curves could be retrieved through a suitable DAL interface, e.g. TAP, hence there would be no need to defined a specific access protocol for light curves.

In the absence of an undefined potential TimeSeries DM, thoughts on conveying such data sets pragmatically?  References to external SimpleTimeSeries?  Embedded table with interim convention for representing some useful subset of same?


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