Fwd: NOAO Survey Letters of Intent Due 15 Feb 2012

Rob Seaman seaman at noao.edu
Tue Jan 24 19:32:57 PST 2012


Begin forwarded message:

> Subject: NOAO Survey Letters of Intent Due 15 Feb 2012
> Date: January 24, 2012 8:02:26 PM MST
> The NOAO Survey Program will be accepting proposals for new surveys
> to start in the 2012B and 2013A semesters.  This program supports
> large observational projects using the Gemini, KPNO, and CTIO
> telescopes that allow the identification of complete, well-defined
> samples that can yield both conclusions based on statistical analysis
> of the survey data itself and also provide important subsets for more
> detailed observations with larger telescopes.  In addition, surveys
> are expected to provide coherent datasets that will be useful for
> other researchers.
> Investigators must submit letters of intent to propose for the NOAO
> Survey Program to surveys at noao.edu by February 15, 2012 to be
> eligible to propose for an NOAO Survey Program commencing in the
> 2012B/2013A semester. The deadline for receiving completed Survey
> proposals is March 29, 2012 at 11:59pm.
> Survey proposals are generally restricted to instruments that have
> been commissioned and are well-characterized for scientific use, due
> to the significant time investment required for Survey programs. The
> newest instruments at Gemini South, the multi-object near-infrared
> spectrograph Flamingos-2 and the GEMS Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics
> system and GSAOI camera, will not be available for this round of
> Surveys.  The CTIO 4-m Dark Energy Camera (DECam) will also not be
> available for Surveys.	Please also note that commissioning of DECam,
> as well as early operation of the Dark Energy Survey and DECam
> community programs, is likely to highly restrict the availability of
> ISPI and Hydra-CTIO for Surveys.
> For more information, go to http://www.noao.edu/gateway/surveys/
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