VOEvent v2.0

Christophe Arviset Christophe.Arviset at esa.int
Tue Mar 15 04:34:38 PDT 2011


Thanks for uploading the PR doc to the IVOA docs page.
So indeed, the clock is now ticking and you can start the RFC within 2 



On 14/03/2011 20:13, Rob Seaman wrote:
> Hi Christophe (et al),
>> My understanding is that you've already run Point 1 and 2 of section 2.4 of IVOA Document Standards 1.2.
>> Point 3 simply means submitting the document it to the IVOA Doc through the page (http://www.ivoa.net/cgi-bin/up.cgi) as PR-VOEvent-2.0-20110314.pdf
> Done.  The working draft has been promoted to PR.
> The page asks for the HTML, so I supplied that and in the comments section pointed the DC to the PDF version (and figures) accessible via:
> 	http://www.ivoa.net/cgi-bin/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/VOEventTwoPointZero
> The timestamp (UTC-7) is:
> 	Receipt Time: Mon Mar 14 11:48:39 2011
> Presumably the clock is ticking.
>> After 2 weeks of this "publication", you can start the official RFC (so hopefully two from now :-) )
> Ok.  What happens during this two weeks?  Does the WG chair have any responsibilities?  Do others?  Is the simple passage of time sufficient to warrant later transition to RFC?  Does the process have contingent branches of execution?
>> My understanding is the following:
>> -- 2 weeks as a Proposed Recommendation
>> -- 4 weeks RFC period
>> can not be compressed
> The authors will appreciate community comments well in advance of 25 April 2011 1848Z to permit timely response.
>> -- 4 weeks TCG review
>> could be compressed if ALL TCG members would agree to review the document within 1-2 weeks instead of 4. In practice it tends to last longer than 4 weeks than shorter but if everybody agrees, we could do it.
> Thanks.  Impatience may be in the nature of a standard to instantly convey reports of transient events.  Note that I am personally greatly interested in compression of all sorts :-)  If the TCG could preload its review during the RFC period for completion by May 1, this would permit the Exec the full two weeks for final review before its May 15th meeting in Napoli.  We will certainly welcome comments during the RFC from TCG members.
>> Furthermore, all these periods assume that the comments during RFC and TCG review can be handled and answered immediately which rarely happens in practice (my humble experience).
> VOEvent is also precisely about the graceful handling of rare events.  We shall endeavor to do so here.
> Humbleness is somebody else's bailiwick.
>> Remember as well that usually the EXEC is _also_ given two weeks to review and agree the final version of the document.
> I wouldn't think of providing them one second less.  BTW - no leap second at the end of June, but the ITU will be having its final vote on ceasing leap seconds when they meet in January 2012.  Is IVOA software ready for this eventuality?
> Rob

Thanks in advance



Christophe ARVISET                       Christophe.Arviset at esa.int

Head of the Science Archives and Computer Support Engineering Unit
Science Operations Department
European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC)
European Space Agency (ESA)

P.O. Box 78
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