Fwd: Re: Can you help with VOEvent2?

Tom Vestrand vestrand at lanl.gov
Mon Mar 14 08:14:11 PDT 2011

I am forwarding a  few comments about the VOEvent 2.0 document at Roy's 

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Re: Can you help with VOEvent2?
Date: 	Sun, 13 Mar 2011 18:22:11 -0600
From: 	Tom Vestrand <vestrand at lanl.gov>
To: 	Roy Williams <roy.williams at ligo.org>
CC: 	Rob Seaman <seaman at noao.edu>

Hi Roy,

I finally had a chance to read the VOEvent 2.0 document.  Overall it 
looks good. The concept of event stream in VOEvent 2.0 is fine, but it 
looks to me a lot like "publisher" from VOEvent 1.1. I also see that 
what we used to call the VOEvent Repository has been replaced with 
VOEvent Server, which is also fine. But, since the term publisher is 
still being used in VOEvent 2.0, I am a little confused about what a 
publisher is now---as opposed to a VOEvent Stream or a Broker.

The title for section 2.2 still has "Publishers" in it, but I think that 
should now be dropped because it is not mentioned anywhere in the text 
for that section.

Yes, I do like the new Table element. It is a big improvement over 
trying to use the <What> element for tabular data in version 1.1.

I also like the Description element that has been added to section 3.5 
and the new attribute "dataType" to express the meaning of the parameter 
value in the <Param> element

The new text about the <Citations> element is also good and I like the 
emphasis on putting just the essential information in there.



On 3/8/2011 10:37 AM, Roy Williams wrote:
> Tom
> Can you please help with VOEvent2? Can you read and comment?
> After all, you are one of the listed authors. Just look at the changes 
> section (1.1) and comment on that to the VOEvent WG. Perhaps you could 
> say how much you like the new Table element. Just a couple of minutes?
> Thank you
> Roy
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Bringing VOEvent v2.0 home to roost
> Date: Wed, 2 Mar 2011 14:54:39 -0700
> From: Rob Seaman <seaman at noao.edu>
> To: IVOA List VOEvent <voevent at ivoa.net>
> Roy and Bob Denny and I have been working on VOEvent v2.0.  Some amount
> of IVOA wordsmithing is required at the top of the document, as well as
> a review of the references, etc.  The actual description of the standard
> is finished and it's ready for others to rip into it (with some
> editorial comments at the top).  Bob's name needs to be add to the
> author list.
> Appended for your review are html, schema and a diagram from Bob.  I'll
> avoid further setting of the stage at this point.
> Comments?
> Rob
> -- 

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