new release 1.3 of Skyalert

Roy Williams roy.williams at
Sat Jun 18 11:11:37 PDT 2011

Skyalert is a clearinghouse and repository of information about 
astronomical transients, each described by a collection of VOEvent 
packets that may be multiply authored. The components of Skyalert are:

• A web-based event broker, allowing subscription so that information 
about transients can be delivered to users and their telescopes 
immediately upon receipt.

• A web-based authoring system, so that authenticated users can inject 
events direct from automated discovery pipelines, or fill in web forms, 
that may be delivered rapidly to others.

• An event repository, storing all events that come through the broker, 
and allowing bulk queries and drill-down.

• A ‘click or code’ paradigm that allows people web based access and 
machines web service access.

• A way to see recent and past transients, as tables, multi-layered web 
pages, or with popular astronomical software.

• A development platform for building real-time decision rules about 
transients, and for mining the repository.

• Open-source software to allow local implementations as well as the 
web-based application.



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