0MQ: The Intelligent Transport Layer

John Swinbank swinbank at transientskp.org
Thu Dec 22 15:45:22 PST 2011

Since I had some free time earlier, I wrote a simple gateway to rebroadcast VOEvents from the voevent.dc3.com broker using ZeroMQ pubsub. Should you be sufficiently enthusiastic, you can (for the time being, at least) subscribe to the ZeroMQ system at voevent.transientskp.org port 8089. 

The code for the gateway, along with a trivial Python script which will connect to the ZeroMQ feed and dump events received to stdout, is available from <https://github.com/jdswinbank/VOEvent-0MQ>. It's very much at the proof-of-concept level.

I claim no expertise on ZeroMQ, but my experience with the above indicates that its pubsub system is probably too simplistic for deployment as a public VOEvent feed, but I could certainly imagine it being useful within projects. ZeroMQ as a whole is pretty easy to work with and flexible; potentially, I could imagine it being of wider interest to the VOEvent community.



On 20 Dec 2011, at 16:11, Roy Williams wrote:

> As we continue to wrestle with VOEvent transport, new (and simpler) protocols arrive. This looks promising ....
> http://www.zeromq.org/
> Anyone have any experience with this?
> Roy
> ---
> Caltech LIGO
> roy at caltech.edu
> 626 395 3670

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