Fwd: Schema complexity

Rob Seaman seaman at noao.edu
Fri Oct 1 08:40:09 PDT 2010

Forwarded from an anonymous contributor without comment:

>    Here are the numbers I used when looking at the various schema sizes (I couldn't find an actual VOEvent2.0 .xsd file).  The first number is the number of ComplexType elements followed by the number of simple elements (unique, these may be repeated like <Description>) and then the total and # of attributes on the elements.  FWIW.
> VOEvent-v1.1.xsd        12 + 29  =   41    attrs = 18
> VOTable-beta.xsd        27 + 40  =   67    attrs = 77
> simpletimeseries.xsd    31 + 47  =   78    attrs = 44
> stc-v1.20.xsd           45 +130  =  175    attrs = 34
> region-v1.20.xsd        16 + 31  =   47    attrs = 3
> coords-v1.20.xsd        28 +114  =  142    attrs = 23

And to clarify:

>> In the absence of comments on the v2.0 working draft, the VOEvent chair can only presume that the draft has been approved by acclamation of the working group.  In that case, the next step is to move it to the proposed recommendation stage.
>    Seriously, a 48 hour comment period from the time the draft was first posted ??

My intent is to provoke the WG discussion that I believe is necessary to develop a robust consensus toward the evolution of the final draft of v2.0.  As with other IVOA standards, VOEvent v2.0 must withstand successive waves of review by the working group, by the Technical Coordination Committee composed of all the other WGs, and by the IVOA Exec.


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