Factoid regarding QB14.3 .H68 2010

Rob Seaman seaman at noao.edu
Mon Nov 22 13:10:24 PST 2010

And the LoC doesn't even guarantee that its own designations are unique and permanent:



On Nov 22, 2010, at 1:48 PM, Rob Seaman wrote:

> The NOAO librarian has assigned "Hot-Wiring the Transient Universe" an LCC designation of:
> 	QB14.3
> 	.H68
> 	2010
> Interesting factoid.  LCC identifiers are actually only local to the particular library.  A library will, of course, use an identifier provided by the actual Library of Congress if such is available, but otherwise is on their own for attaching an ID.  In a case like a discipline library such as astronomy it is quite possible that a center such as NOAO or Caltech may have more extensive (or at least deeper and more idiosyncratic) holdings than the LCC.  It appears that no ultimate registry exists for resolving global LCC identifiers (although see http://www.loc.gov/catdir/pcc/saco/saco.html).
> Sarah and Roy have done a great job of putting the content for the HTU book online:
> 	http://hotwireduniverse.org
> from whence one can click through to purchase your own physical copy:
> 	http://www.lulu.com/product/paperback/hotwiring-the-transient-universe/13205496
> Numerous such were sent out and many authors and attendees should already have received a copy in addition to the three crates distributed at ADASS.  Copies are also available in Tucson and Pasadena if you are in the area.
> Rob

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