Fwd: 05/05/2010: Coming to an iPhone Near You: Near-Live UA Telescope Shots

Roy Williams roy at cacr.caltech.edu
Wed May 5 07:36:58 PDT 2010

Rob Seaman wrote:
> The LSST/CRTS/SkyAlert iPhone app has made the front page of this 
> morning's University of Arizona news feed and the local daily newspaper. 

Thank you for the Tucson-centric version. Here is the Pasadena-centric 
version  :-)

The data from the UA telescopes is processed in near real time by the 
Caltech-led CRTS project (PI Andrew Drake), and distributed through the 
Caltech-led Skyalert software, to which the iPhone connects for its 
data, and upon which the iPhone relies for alert messages. 
Classification of the transients is also done through Andrew's efforts. 
Everything you can get on the iPhone app is also available through 
Skyalert.org. However Skyalert provides a wide variety of event feeds 
beyond CRTS, including CSS_NEO, SWIFT, Fermi, GALEX, MOA, etc.



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