VOEvent sessions in Victoria

Rob Seaman seaman at noao.edu
Mon Mar 29 18:15:38 PDT 2010


The PTB want to know our plans for the Victoria InterOp.  I guess the first order of business is a show of hands for people who intend to participate.  Presumably for U.S. WG members this may depend on whether the VAO funding will be available.  Please respond whether you plan to attend the InterOp and any contingent realities that may apply such as funding.

I'll start - yes, I plan to attend.  It will be more difficult if we are still waiting on the VAO, but likelihood shouldn't drop below 2 sigma.



> From: Séverin Gaudet <severin.gaudet at nrc-cnrc.gc.ca>
> Date: March 29, 2010 5:04:36 PM MST
> To: IVOA TCG <tcg at ivoa.net>
> Subject: Victoria InterOp sessions
> Hi all
> All WG/IG's are asked to submit by Wednesday April 9 their list of sessions with themes for the Victoria InterOp (http://www.ivoa.net/cgi-bin/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2010)...
> When compiling your list please indicate:
> 	• Session theme
> 	• If it is to be a joint session, with which other WGs and/or IGs
> 	• If possible, estimate of number of participants: small ( less than 48 people), medium (between 48 and 60 people), large (greater than 60 people). This will help us with room assignments.

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