9-page note: Extending VOEvent for more complex data

Roy Williams roy at cacr.caltech.edu
Wed Mar 24 05:57:04 PDT 2010

There is a new IVOA Note from Matthew Graham and myself. It is a 
proposal for how VOEvent should evolve in the next version. Please give 
a read and let us have your opinions. We are especially interested in 
expanding the section on Use Cases.


Extending VOEvent for more complex data


The VOEvent standard has been well taken up by the community since 2006, 
and there have been thousands of events in this format. Now there is 
interest in new schema for VOEvent 2.0, specifically to be able to put 
small tables, time series, ephemeris etc into the packet. We also 
discuss the use of linking to connect to complex data, and ask if any 
extra structure is actually needed, or if linking can always be the 
answer. We present some use cases for such extra structure, consider 
representing these within the current VOEvent structure, and suggest a 
simple table extension to VOEvent, based on an existing IVOA 
Recommendation, that would represent all the use cases in a simple way.


California Institute of Technology
626 395 3670

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