Registry in RSS

Frederic V. Hessman Hessman at Astro.physik.Uni-Goettingen.DE
Thu Jan 14 09:33:20 PST 2010

Exactly: that's why

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<VOEvent id="ivo://powerofpyramids/topics/2012annoucement"  
role="actual" version="0.90"
   xsi:schemaLocation=" stc- 
     <Param name="the-end-of-everything" ucd="time" utype="ivoat:year"  
value="2012" />
is a bare-bones astronomical VOEvent of interest to somebody.  One  
could argue about which form of WhenWhere one should have used.


On 14 Jan 2010, at 18:07, Alasdair Allan wrote:

> Roy Williams wrote:
>> For example, each VOEvent has a position in the sky, and tools are  
>> there to correlate, display, and reason about that position.  
>> Setting the position to 999,999 or some other rubbish would confuse  
>> the users of such tools and make think VOEvent is wrong.
> Just to pick up on that, the <WhereWhen /> block is entirely  
> optional, a VOEvent doesn't necessarily have to have a position in  
> the sky.
> Al.

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