VOEvent in Heliophysics Event Knowledgebase

Rob Seaman seaman at noao.edu
Mon Aug 9 21:32:48 PDT 2010


There is not (yet) a large traffic in preprints referencing VOEvent, but they do come along.  From today's crop on astro-ph we hear about the "Heliophysics Event Knowledgebase":


This is continuation of work on solar events that got underway around the time (or shortly after) the first Hotwired workshop.  Elizabeth Auden presented slides related to this project:


Which is to say that a draft of the v2.0 specification will be circulated for comment in the next couple of weeks.  At that point we should consider what hooks might be needed to make sure the HEK usage ("We have extended the VOEvent schema...to encapsulate all metadata describing HEK events") is supported in some reasonable fashion (as possible).


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