features for VOEvent v2.0

Matthew Graham mjg at cacr.caltech.edu
Wed Apr 7 16:32:24 PDT 2010

Hi Rob,

> To demur from Matthew's reply: orbital elements and ephemerides are explicitly for targeting future observations.  As such they belong in <WhereWhen>, which does not support <Params>.  My reading of STC is that orbital elements (at least) are already legal in an ObsDataLocation, and thus arguably in <WhereWhen>:
> 	3.4) "...the <WhereWhen> element may reference an arbitrary number of STC [18] <ObsDataLocation> elements..."
> This then raises the issue of questions 9 and 10.  Is a completely unbounded ObsDataLocation too complex for the VOEvent schema?

My reading of STC is that this is also the case. What do you mean by too complex? It's already included in the VOEvent 1.1 schema and loaded by any validator when validating VOEvent 1.1 packets. No-one reads VOEvent 1.1 packets so the complexity is not an issue there. Is the problem that we do not have any current tools to produce VOEvents which can handle this richness? 


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