action items

Roy Williams roy at
Wed Sep 23 15:37:29 PDT 2009

Rob Seaman wrote:
> Rather than send three more emails separately, here is a cafeteria 
> plan.  Please select at least one of these three goals to work to 
> bring to fruition:
>     1) VOEvent v2.0 - we need to reach a final decision (whether or 
> not that means consensus) on time series - and we need to pick up the 
> pen again and work discussions of time series, orbital elements, 
> revised references, and the few other outstanding items into the 
> document.

One approach that I have advocated is the following. First we allow the 
<What> section of the VOEvent to contain a simple table as in (*). It is 
a stripped down version of VOTable with just <Table>, <Field>, <Data>, 
<TR>, and <TD> elements. An external table can also be referenced with 
the <Reference> tag as anything elase can be. Note that many types of 
table can not be used, we are not restricted to time series.

Then we define a Time series as a table that has a column which has time 
(identified by the ucd=time.epoch). Or there can be other 
specializations of the table concept, identified by Group Type.

<Group type="TimeSeries">
 <Param name="first" value="2007-07-01T21:44:00UT" ucd="time.epoch" 
unit="iso8601" />
   <Field name="Time"         ucd="time.epoch"              unit="s"/>
   <Field name="Mag"          ucd="phot.mag; em.opt.R"              />
   <Field name="Uncertainty"  ucd="stat.err; phot.mag; em.opt.R"    />


California Institute of Technology
626 395 3670

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