Summary of VOEvent session

Roy Williams roy at
Mon Nov 16 14:08:45 PST 2009

> I agreed to take Matthew's Catalina vocabulary and turn it in to a 
> proto-VOEvent vocabulary.  
This vocabulary for CRTS was built primarily by Andrew Drake from 
experience of classifying 100's of events from the CRTS survey. See for examples.

Stuart Chalmers and Norman Gray have already started formalizing this 
into a framework, at:

The terms in the vocabulary are:
Cataclysmic Variable, Supernova, Blazar Outburst, Active Galactic 
Nucleus Variability, UVCeti Variable, Asteroid, Variable, Mira Variable, 
High Proper Motion Star, Comet, Eclipsing Variable, Gamma Ray Burst 
Afterglow, Microlensing, Nova, Planetary Microlensing, RRLyrae Variable, 
Tidal Disruption Flare



California Institute of Technology
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