Newbie question : how to specify a source instrument in a VOEvent ?

Roy Williams roy at
Thu Nov 5 07:03:24 PST 2009


I am so happy that Svom is becoming part of the VOEvent world. As you 
know, we are running an event publisher at Caltech, and would be very 
happy if you could publish there, it is called, and the 
specific instructions for authoring are here:

As for the different instruments, you can think this way. Suppose 
instrument A returns events with data parameters A1, A2, and A3, and 
instrument B returns parameters B1, B2, B3. You can choose
-- to have a single event stream which allows A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3, 
and every event  provides values for either the A or B parameters. This 
is the SWIFT approach. Or
-- to have two separate event streams SvomA and SvomB, where the first 
kind of event has A parameters, and the other kind of event has B 

In any case, I would like it if you could try to make one or five 
"sample events" as defined on the above link. I hope we can work 
together on this!

Roy Williams

Le Fèvre Jean-Paul wrote:
> Hi,
> We have just started a discussion about how to format VOEvents for the Svom mission. (A future French-Chinese space mission dedicated to GRB). 
> There will be at least 5 instruments involved in the mission capable of generating data. My question is the following :
> What is  the best way to specifiy in a VOEvent packet which  instrument is the source of data  ?
> - a token in the localID of the IVORN (Fermi and Swift seem to have chosen this solution),
> - using a <Group> element with a different name attribute for the different instruments,
> - the <How> element referencing a rtml document describing the different instruments,
> -  other.
> It is not clear for me which solution is the best, so I need advice !
> Thank you in advance for your help,
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Jean-Paul Le Fèvre 
> Svom FSC project manager - CEA Saclay Irfu
> Mél :  jean-paul.lefevre at
> Tél : +33 1 69 08 34 58


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