Jupiter impact?

Rob Seaman seaman at noao.edu
Mon Jul 27 11:33:25 PDT 2009

Does anybody have insight into how the follow-up campaign for the  
2009-07-19 Jupiter impact has been organized?  Logistics such as this  
are of great interest to VOEvent.

There is this page:


that could easily be realized as a portfolio.

I was first made aware of this via slashdot or maybe AP.  The first  
official mention of this I've seen in an astronomical context is the  
appended item from today's DPS mailing #09-13.  Clearly other channels  
were used - what were they?



On 2009 July 19 at approximately 13:30 UTC, Anthony Wesley was
observing Jupiter from his home observatory just outside
Murrumbateman, New South Wales, Australia.  He noted a black mark in
Jupiter's South Polar Region (SPR).  This might be due to the impact
of either an asteroid or comet - similar to the impacts of comet
Shoemaker-Levy 9 in 1994, and exactly 15 years later.  Antonio Cidadao
of Portugal identified the spot in weak methane-band images,
supporting an impact interpretation. Dr. Glenn Orton (JPL) was at the
NASA IRTF and has tentatively confirmed the singleton impact with
methane-band and continuum IR imaging.

The University of Central Florida in Orlando is collecting images and
other information about this event on the following web page:


We invite anyone with relevant news to contact us.  In particular, we
seek pre-impact images to constrain the time of impact, images of the
developing impact site, deep circumjovian imaging that might identify
the impactor, and lists of teams submitting DDT proposals, to
coordinate efforts.

Joseph Harrington
UCF Planetary Sciences Group
jharring at physics.ucf.edu

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