meetings of interest

Rob Seaman seaman at
Wed Jan 7 13:09:14 PST 2009

Cribbing from the home page:

"It has been ten years since the last North American Workshop on  
Cataclysmic Variables and nearly five years since the last  
international meeting on cataclysmic variables and their kin. Of  
particular interest since these last meetings are new results based on  
observational platforms such as GALEX, Spitzer, Chandra, XMM INTEGRAL  
and Swift/BAT, large surveys such as SDSS and planned Pan-STARRS and  
LSST, smaller but equally important surveys such as All Sky Automated  
Survey (ASAS), Catalina Sky Survey, ‘Pi of the Sky’, ROTSE, results  
from large aperture ground-based telescopes, theoretical advances, and  
evolutionary relationships of CVs to other binary stars.

Wild Stars in the Old West II plans to cover all topics within the  
area of CVs and related objects (observational and theoretical) with  
sessions driven by the interest of those planning to attend."

It certainly sounds like a lot of potential overlap with the VOEvent  
community :-)



On Jan 7, 2009, at 11:58 AM, Rob Seaman wrote:

> FYI:
> The 14th North American Workshop on Cataclysmic Variables and  
> Related Objects
> 15-19 March 2009, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona:
> Rob
> PS - information to follow next week on Hotwired II, to be held at  
> UCSC from 26-30 April 2009
> Be there or be square!

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