Fwd: SemAst09 - final call for participation

Rob Seaman seaman at noao.edu
Tue Feb 10 07:52:36 PST 2009


Begin forwarded message:

> From: Norman Gray <norman at astro.gla.ac.uk>
> Date: February 10, 2009 7:23:52 AM GMT-07:00
> To: IVOA semantics <semantics at ivoa.net>, SKOS <public-esw-thes at w3.org>
> Subject: SemAst09 - final call for participation
> Practical Semantic Astronomy 09 -- FINAL CALL FOR PARTICIPATION
> 2-5 March 2009
> Glasgow, UK
> http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/workshops/semast09/
> It's now just a little under a month to the second Practical  
> Semantic Astronomy workshop.  The programme is online at <http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/workshops/semast09/programme.shtml 
> >, and it promises to be an interesting and hugely valuable  
> workshop, with lots of cross-fertilisation between the broad range  
> of participants.
> The workshop should be of interest to people working in semantic  
> technologies generally, as well as science data specialists, as  
> we'll be examining challenging concrete use-cases, covering  
> discipline-specific linked open data, reasoning about data, and  
> semantic search.
> Plus, Glasgow's a great city!
> We look forward to seeing you in March.
> Semantic astronomy promises to expand the scientific discovery  
> potential of exponentially growing data collections by enabling  
> natural language querying, content-based searching, rich metadata  
> markup and retrieval, rapid integration of diverse data collections,  
> and machine-assisted scientific discovery.
> Practical Semantic Astronomy 2009 is the second in a series of  
> workshops first held at Caltech in February 2008. The workshop  
> brings together experts from a broad range of disciplines using  
> semantic technologies, alongside practitioners experimenting with  
> these techniques to address current problems in astroinformatics.
> The Virtual Observatory is a loose planet-wide collaboration of  
> astronomy computing projects, aiming to make available the high- 
> volume and rich data of astronomy. Although astronomical data is  
> generally well-described, it is very dispersed, so that there is a  
> substantial data-discovery and integration problem, making it  
> fertile ground for the sorts of semantic approaches applied with  
> such success in other disciplines.
> In SemAst 2009, we will pair keynote speakers and astronomical use- 
> cases, focusing broad expertise on challenging and exciting problems  
> in astroinformatics. The keynotes speakers will be:
> * Danny Ayers, Talis, UK
> * Peter Fox, National Center for Atmospheric Research, USA
> * Antoine Isaac, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
> * Amedeo Napoli, LORIA, France
> * Joel Sachs, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA
> * Robert Stevens, University of Manchester, UK
> Topics of Interest
> * Astronomy and solar ontologies
> * Knowledgebases
> * Metadata for astronomical databases
> * Semantic integration
> * Semantic queries and data mining
> * Semantic technologies
> Norman Gray
> for the SemAst09 programme committee
> -- 
> Norman Gray  :  http://nxg.me.uk
> Dept Physics and Astronomy, University of Leicester

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