Transport Protocol 1.1 and Cross Platform Broker Implementation

Petr Kubánek petr at
Thu Aug 27 11:27:57 PDT 2009


I spend my early years handling those issues with 300+ pages documents.
>From that time, there is XMLClean module, still available on CPAN.

M$ Word can produce some HTML, which can be improved using:
- (html)tidy, freearly available somewhere on he net
- you really need to use styles etc. in Word

You might also try OpenOffice, which might produce better results.

Petr Kubanek
IAA CSIC Granada

Bob Denny píše v Čt 27. 08. 2009 v 00:12 -0700:
> > I don't understand this; while a HTML master is fine, there are plenty
> > of cases where we have Word masters which can produce HTML and PDF
> > as well.  In fact this is the most flexible case as then we get all
> > three formats.  The HTML in this case however should not be directly
> > edited.  
> No kidding, it -cannot- be edited!
> > I suggest that if Word is convenient continue to use it,
> > and merely generate the other formats when you publish the document.
> Well, maybe I'm just not up to the task, but I cannot get Word to produce
> anything but trash which will render only in Microsoft's browser and then poorly.
> > I don't think the IVOA standards mandate that HTML be used as the
> > master document format.
> They do now, and this is recent (June I think). Again, I apologize for venting
> on this issue. It's been a few days of one frustration after another w.r.t
> VOEvents, things out of my control. But tonight I succeeded at building a
> Scientific Linux on a VM, building and installing Mono from the current dev
> trunk, and getting my Dakota broker running complete with DigiSig
> authentication. The VOEvent parser/validator failed though. I will try again
> next week with the stable sources for 2.4, and I expect it will work OK.
>   -- Bob

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