The State of VOEvent

Rob Seaman seaman at
Sat Jun 14 13:35:55 PDT 2008

One should point out that VOEvent has had no need for a gatekeeper  
under Roy's able leadership.  The WG has excelled in demonstrating  
creative restraint in forming a robust consensus.

> When annotations (eg 2MASS cutouts) are added to an event, how can  
> they be linked to the event? Either make a container to hold all, or  
> (and this is easier) modify the VOEvent.xml by adding to the <What>  
> section a new PARAM like 2mass_j_cutout = "/data/blabla/73627.fits".

Or issue follow-up packets.  Matthew's portfolios are also pertinent,  
although perhaps not entirely VOEvent specific?

> I think we can be sure that people (not me tho!) will be altering  
> events.

Events are in the sky.  VOEvents are publications.  A packet is one  
particular marshalling of an XML representation.  The precise packet  
representation has always been a free parameter.  Thus the need for  
canonicalization.  Altering a publication raises other issues.


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