VOEvent v2.0, some thoughts

Petr Kubanek petr at iaa.es
Tue Jan 22 07:51:55 PST 2008

Well, and if some feed you minor planet orbit? I need to get minor axis
etc. and possibly transform that to RA DEC for my telescope location
(mind the parallax, it is sometimes important).


Roy Williams napsal(a):
> Petr Kubanek wrote:
>> Will somebody provide me with a tool which will transform complex STC to
>> simple actual RA DEC I can feed to telescope and start observing? 
> Petr
> This is what I use. It is Python.
> There is another package called W3CDate to read the date.
> Roy
> import xml.dom.minidom
> doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(stream)
> strRA,strDec,strDate,strPointingErr = findLocationTime(doc)
> def findLocationTime(doc):
>  strRA = ""
>  strDec = ""
>  strDate = ""
>  strPointingErr = ""
>  for node in doc.getElementsByTagName("ObservationLocation"):
>    for innerNode in node.getElementsByTagName("C1"): # RA
>      for subNode in innerNode.childNodes:
>        if subNode.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE: strRA = subNode.data
>    for innerNode in node.getElementsByTagName("C2"): # DEC
>      for subNode in innerNode.childNodes:
>        if subNode.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE: strDec = subNode.data
>    for innerNode in node.getElementsByTagName("ISOTime"): # Observation
> Time
>      for subNode in innerNode.childNodes:
>        if subNode.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE: strDate = subNode.data
>    for innerNode in node.getElementsByTagName("Error2Radius"):
>      for subNode in innerNode.childNodes:
>        if subNode.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE: strPointingErr = subNode.data
>  return strRA, strDec, strDate, strPointingErr

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