Off VOEvent topic - but still I hope interesting

Petr Kubanek petr at
Tue Jan 22 07:38:44 PST 2008

Hi all,

while I wrote paper for Tuscon 2007 meeting, I come to figuring out
exactly how many possible systems (which works) you can get to control
your robotics observatory. I make up a preliminary list, based on my
knowledge, and I do think it might be of general interest to write a
paper about advantages and disadvantages of different systems and
aproaches to control telescopes and attached instrumentation.

Does anybody knows about paper which compare observatory control
systems? As I am author of one, I do not feel eligible to write such
(that will be conflicts of interests), but if somebody would like to
publish one, I'm free to pass my notices on this.

I agree that is not exactly VOEvent related, but since there seems to be
the highest concentration of people which have some experience with
robotics observatories, I post that message there..

Petr Kubanek

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