VOEvent at IVOA Interop: Please contribute!

Roy Williams roy at cacr.caltech.edu
Wed Apr 30 09:00:45 PDT 2008

This message it to invite your participation in the two VOEvent sessions 
of the IVOA Interop meeting that will be in Trieste, Italy, May 19-23. 
The topics under discussion include those below, that will form the 
basis for a version 2.0 of the VOEvent specification.

Signing event notices
Citing further information -- finding charts etc
Registering your VOEvent nodes
Vocabulary for event taxonomy
Light curves and orbital elements
Tutorial for event authors
Tutorial for event subscribers
Events in Google Sky
Connection to other event pubs (GCN, CBAT, ATEL, Sky&Tel etc)

Please write to one of us if you would like to be involved in the 
discussion; if you would like to give a presentation; if you can 
contribute to the above topics; or if you wish to suggest other topics.

Thank You

Roy Williams (Chair, VOEvent WG)
Rob Seaman (vice-Chair)


California Institute of Technology
626 395 3670

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