membership request

Alasdair Allan aa at
Fri Sep 14 06:24:21 PDT 2007

Matthew Graham wrote:
> Alasdair Allan wrote:
>> There are certain VOEvent applications where we're not even using  
>> an XML parser because it's too much overhead. There are others  
>> where a few hours don't matter, and semantic tools could prove  
>> very useful (SNe candidates spring to mind). As ever mandating the  
>> use of such to get information out of the packet is something I'm  
>> against, so as always YMMV.
> So maybe it's time we started seriously thinking about a two-tier  
> system based on different serializations of the VOEvent data model.  
> The ultrafast layer uses a JSON representation of a VOEvent and TCP/ 
> V as the transport protocol; the normal layer uses the standard XML  
> representation and the suite of protocols that we currently support.

Hmm, interesting. I'm not totally against the idea. We should talk  
about this at ADASS and the Interop. i think a JSON representation  
could be useful, although I'm not so sold on taking the XML out of  
the TCP transport layer.


PS. Matthew, you still ow me a page or two on the Jabber transport  
layer for the VOEvent Transport paper for the HTU proceedings.

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