[nvo-team] NVO Annual Report, Oct'06-Sept'07

Rob Seaman seaman at noao.edu
Wed Oct 31 13:25:55 PDT 2007

> Some people clearly have too much time on their hands.

Virtual technologies make trivial tasks, as well as non-trivial,  
dramatically easier.  Apple's preview PDF viewer lists the count for  
every search.  I typed in "voevent" because that was my highest  
priority to review in the document.  The magic number "42" caught my  
eye, especially since these occur on more than 20 pages scattered  
throughout the document, not just concentrated in one descriptive  
section.  That seemed like a lot, so I typed in the other terms I  
noted, starting with "TAP" or something else I was interested in, and  
was gratified to find we compared quite well.

My intent is to encourage folks to read the document, not play games  
with citations...however, note that both our users and our funding  
agencies do pay attention to citation counts of various sorts.   
Citations are also key bits of VOEvent DNA, FWIW.

The reply to Doug was a friendly jab in the shoulder, of course.

- Rob

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