VOEvent and Heliophysics Knowledge Base: new schema

Elizabeth Auden eca at mssl.ucl.ac.uk
Mon Oct 29 09:44:28 PDT 2007

Hello everyone,

A few months ago I emailed the VOEvent list about Lockheed Martin's 
Heliophysics Knowledge Base, which uses a modified form of VOEvent packets 
to record solar events. At the time, the VOEvent packets products by the 
IDL SolarSoft routine vobs/ontology/idl/export_event.pro did not validate 
against the VOEvent 1.1 schema. Following discussions at September's ADASS 
VOEvent BoF, I have put together two new schemas and an example solar 
VOEvent packet:

1. original HPKB solar flare voevent packet

2. solar flare voevent packet rewritten to validate against new 
VOEvent-v1.1_lmsal and lmsal_v0.1 schemas

3. LMSAL schema incorporating solar-specfic mandatory and optional 
parameters from the HPKB website:

4. VOEvent 1.1 schema with new element "ExternalEventMetadata" as an 
optional child of "What". ExternalEventMetadata has child "SolarEvent" 
from the lmsal_v0.1 schema.

I'd be interested to hear your comments, especially on the proposed 
"ExternalEventMetadata" element under "What". One question - the IVOA 
Documents page lists VOEvent 1.11 as the latest tech spec, but the IVOA 
xml page still lists VOEvent 1.1 as the latest schema. Is there a v1.11 
schema lurking somewhere that I could use?

Best regards,

Elizabeth Auden, MSSL
Holmbury St. Mary, Dorking RH5 6NT
Tel: +44 (0)1483 204 276
eSDO Technical Lead, AstroGrid Developer

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