Pointers to event-based ontologies

Norman Gray norman at astro.gla.ac.uk
Mon Oct 1 02:20:34 PDT 2007


A recent thread on the W3C semantic-web list <http://lists.w3.org/ 
Archives/Public/semantic-web/2007Sep/0183.html> asked for pointers to  
"an ontology for event-based structured knowledge".  The few answers  
included a pointer to the event ontology within the music ontology  
described at <http://moustaki.org/pubs/Raimond-ISMIR2007-Submitted.pdf>.

I pass on the pointer here in case there's something in that paper  
that VOEvent can steal.  A quick skim suggests there's not much, but  
this might point to some of the interesting ways that such a beast  
could be used, or reassure that there's not some totally-obvious-to- 
everyone-else whizzy thing that's being missed.

All the best,


Norman Gray  :  http://nxg.me.uk
eurovotech.org  :  University of Leicester, UK

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