VOEvent query language (SEAP?)

Doug Tody dtody at nrao.edu
Mon Mar 12 14:48:43 PDT 2007

Elizabeth -

I took a quick look at the SEAP page you reference below.  In addition
to STAP/SIAP, you may also want to look at the new SSAP query protocol.
Although events would seem to have little to do with spectra, most
of the SSAP protocol is actually generic, and it does allow general
queries by spatial/spectral/time ranges, by ID etc., can support solar
or planetary coordinate systems, plus the query response is based on
the Characterization model.  This is probably a better basis for a
SEAP protocol than the older SIAP V1 protocol.

See  http://www.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/SsaInterface

 	- Doug

On Mon, 12 Mar 2007, Elizabeth Auden wrote:

>>>>>>> I'd point to,  http://wiki.eurovotech.org/twiki/pub/VOTech/ 
>>>>>>> DS5PlanningStage05/ECA_votech_120307.ppt
> Hello, I just gave that talk earlier today.  :)
>>> Perhaps we can NOT do the usual VO trick -- i.e. building a complex 
>>> protocol before there is a need.
>>> Let us start by listing the reasons WHY somebody would want to "query by 
>>> position, time and concept".
> My reason for wanting to query by position, time, and concept is that I'm 
> working on a VOTech science case to match VOEvent packets with observations 
> from Aladin described by the Characterization schema. I have VOEvents and 
> Characterization files stored in a Sesame knowledgebase for test queries. I'm 
> testing first against spatial matches and second against spatial and temporal 
> matches since those are the two easiest test cases for me to visualize.
> I would definitely like to explore a simple event access protocol - I started 
> to jot some thoughts down last autumn at 
> http://wiki.astrogrid.org/bin/view/Astrogrid/SimpleEventAccessProtocol, but 
> I'm currently using the AstroGrid STAP service implementation since 1) it 
> already does most of what I want for my first test queries (RA, Dec, time, 
> plus assorted optional parameters), and 2) Kevin Benson has already written 
> the code.
> I would like to attend the VOEvent workshop in June - will there be a chance 
> to discuss SEAP then?
> cheers,
> Elizabeth
> -- 
> Elizabeth Auden, MSSL
> Holmbury St. Mary, Dorking RH5 6NT
> Tel: +44 (0)1483 204 276
> eSDO Technical Lead, AstroGrid Developer

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