[nvo-techwg] Time series data

Arnold Rots arots at head.cfa.harvard.edu
Tue Jun 26 13:17:56 PDT 2007

I put together an example that encodes the complete information from
IAUC 8653 in an STC-compatible WhereWhen - if only it would allow
multiple instances of ObsDataLocation (or, alternatively, multiple
instances of WhereWhen). There are three of them in this example:
1. The ASAS observations, providing time, position, and magnitude
2. The Roalnd observations, again time, position, and magnitude
3. The orbital elements for the parabolic orbit fit.

Arnold Rots wrote:
> As you undoubtedly expect me to point out, yes, STC does provide the
> capability to to encode an ephemeris with very little pain and
> providing full support for all relevant timescales.
> It is slightly simpler than the WhereWhen element and it includes
> support for orbital elements.
> If indeed it is an ephemeris representation that you are after, I'll
> be happy to provide a sample.
>   - Arnold
> Rob Seaman wrote:
> > Hi Doug, etc.,
> > 
> > > The issue of time series data came up briefly in the NVO telecon  
> > > today.
> > > Since all the attention has been focused on spectra little has been
> > > done about this yet, although the Spectrum/SED data model upon which
> > > SSA is based was always intended to be general enough to support time
> > > series data as well.  Both are spectrophotometric sequences, with
> > > the spectral coordinate varying in one case, and time in the other.
> > 
> > There's a lot of interest in VOEvent in seeing a practical time  
> > series format emerge soon.  Several other action items (e.g., XML  
> > signatures for authentication, and the representation of orbits) came  
> > out of the recent "Hotwired" workshop, confirming that VOEvent will  
> > continue to have a large cross-section with many other (I and N) VO  
> > standards and activities.
> > 
> > In this case, I wonder whether "spectrophotometric" only begins to  
> > cover the pertinence of time series for sky transient - and time  
> > domain, in general - alerts.  In addition to contribution from gamma  
> > rays to long wavelength radio waves, we had two talks on neutrino  
> > telescopes, several on classification schemes including ways to  
> > recognize signals embedded in sequences of temporally varying  
> > measurements of all types, coincidence testing, etc.  We take the  
> > meaning of the word "event" very liberally.
> > 
> > Pragmatically, the piratical individuals engaged in VOEvent and HTN  
> > related projects just want a time series standard that is  
> > utilitarian, simple, yet flexible.  They won't have infinite patience  
> > waiting for it to arrive, however.  To gauge both the completeness  
> > and elegance of an acceptable standard, the consensus would likely be  
> > that STC resides somewhere outside our comfort zone.  I doubt we  
> > could be motivated to accept such a complicated sub-schema again.
> > 
> > > It was mentioned that VizieR is a major resource for light curves
> > > so I had a look to get a better feel for current practice.  What we
> > > have now for SSA could probably already be used for light curves such
> > > as we see in VizieR, but there are two areas where it could stand
> > > improvement for this data.  The support for photometric systems could
> > > be better - but we need this for spectra and images as well.  This was
> > > a major topic of dicussion at the recent Spectroscopy in VO workshop
> > > in Madrid for example.
> > 
> > If this is an ongoing debate, I'd suggest that a VOEvent-friendly  
> > prototype would specify a small number of standard systems that could  
> > be expanded later.
> > 
> > > The second thing is that it would be good to
> > > be able to have multiple flux values (photometric systems or filters)
> > > associated with each time value, as time series data often measures
> > > the object in multiple standard filters/bandpasses/photometric systems
> > > for each time sample.
> > 
> > Yes.  Something like multiple <params> per time step.
> > 
> > > A final issue is segmentation, as large time
> > > series taken over a long period of time are often segmented, with
> > > big time caps between the segments.
> > 
> > Yes, although VOEvent's follow-up citations provide one way of doing  
> > this.
> > 
> > > All of these issues came up in connection with SSA and spectra as
> > > well, but they were second order features (for spectra) and lower
> > > priority for the first version of SSA, hence were deferred.  But with
> > > the completion of SSA and the Spectrum data model, Characterization,
> > > etc., we are probably 90% of the way there already.
> > 
> > I guess the question I have is whether that 90% is sufficient for a  
> > functional prototype.  Alternately, how long would the remaining 10%  
> > take to converge?  My sense of the debate at last week's workshop is  
> > that a VOEvent consensus on a 90% solution could be ready in a few  
> > week's, not months.  This seems much more aggressive than a similar  
> > consensus for SSA, especially as you are using words like "lower  
> > priority" and "deferred".
> > 
> > > In terms of the data interface, it appears that a SSA service could be
> > > trivially modified to support time series data.   The query interface
> > > would probably work as-is.  For simple light curves, CSV/TSV output
> > > would probably be popular, and is essentially what existing services
> > > such as VizieR return now.  HTML or JPEG for a direct graphical view
> > > is also popular, and VOTable would be ideal for serious analysis;
> > > again this is much the same as for simple 1-D spectra.
> > 
> > We're a publication format.  Some of the things you mention could be  
> > included as external references, but really we're just going to want  
> > to define some XML element to be embedded in our packets.  I would  
> > imagine these will include VOTable-like <params>.  If alternate  
> > representations are needed for purposes outside VOEvent, it seems to  
> > me we just need to ensure that our quasi-human readable packet format  
> > maps onto an underlying common time series data model.  In that case,  
> > I would suggest that the VOEvent time series use case should be  
> > straightforward enough that the broader VO time series DM could and  
> > should simply support this.
> > 
> > If the SED DM is mature enough to start scribbling possible explicit  
> > time series representations, VOEvent would be delighted to evaluate  
> > these and comment.  If not, we will be tendering a simple, packet  
> > oriented representation of our own for other groups to comment.  In  
> > either case, we will be seeking a VOEvent related consensus quickly.
> > 
> > Rob
> > 
> > 
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Arnold H. Rots                                Chandra X-ray Science Center
> Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory                tel:  +1 617 496 7701
> 60 Garden Street, MS 67                              fax:  +1 617 495 7356
> Cambridge, MA 02138                             arots at head.cfa.harvard.edu
> USA                                     http://hea-www.harvard.edu/~arots/
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Arnold H. Rots                                Chandra X-ray Science Center
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory                tel:  +1 617 496 7701
60 Garden Street, MS 67                              fax:  +1 617 495 7356
Cambridge, MA 02138                             arots at head.cfa.harvard.edu
USA                                     http://hea-www.harvard.edu/~arots/
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