Rob Seaman seaman at
Fri Jun 22 16:28:37 PDT 2007


The deadline for a BoF proposal for ADASS is July 15th.  The  
consensus at Hotwired was to hold such a BoF.  The question is what  
the scope should be.  VOEvent?  VOEvent + HTN?  Broader "autonomous"  

We could host a narrowly construed VOEvent BoF, since we have plenty  
to talk about with topics like:

	- time series
	- orbital elements
	- VOcabulary
	- Registry
	- XML signatures
	- VO-GCN status
	- CBAT coordination
	- Heliophysics KnowledgeBase
	- backbone architecture

...and we haven't even got to anything resembling status reports.

In that case, is there interest in a separate HTN BoF?  We could ask  
that they be scheduled one following the other.  I suspect there are  
plenty of HTN specific topics and this is a way to get both  
communities together again, but with a separation between agendas.


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