VOEvent used for solar knowledge base

Frederic V. Hessman hessman at Astro.physik.Uni-Goettingen.de
Wed Jul 18 01:35:00 PDT 2007

>>     <How>
>>        <!-- Data pertaining to how the feature/event detection was  
>> performed -->
>>        <lmsal:data>
>>            <lmsal:OBS_ChannelID>EIT 195</lmsal:OBS_ChannelID>
>>            <lmsal:OBS_Instrument>EIT</lmsal:OBS_Instrument>
>>            <lmsal:OBS_MeanWavel>195.000</lmsal:OBS_MeanWavel>
>>            <lmsal:OBS_WavelUnit>Angstroms</lmsal:OBS_WavelUnit>
>>        </lmsal:data>
>>        <lmsal:method>
>>            <lmsal:FRM_Contact>ms2 at mssl.ucl.ac.uk</lmsal:FRM_Contact>
>>            <lmsal:FRM_DateRun>2007/6/19 3:26:24</lmsal:FRM_DateRun>
>>            <lmsal:FRM_HumanFlag>no</lmsal:FRM_HumanFlag>
>>            <lmsal:FRM_Identifier>Mike Smith</lmsal:FRM_Identifier>
>>            <lmsal:FRM_Institute>MSSL</lmsal:FRM_Institute>
>>            <lmsal:FRM_Name>LoopRecog</lmsal:FRM_Name>
>>            <lmsal:FRM_ParamSet>inputFile, sigma,  
>> minimumContourPoints, OutputFile</lmsal:FRM_ParamSet>
>>        </lmsal:method>
>>     </How>
> The original notion was to embed <References> to external RTML  
> documents.  The above seems reasonable usage, however, and if so,  
> we would likely also want to permit embedded RTML.  I would like to  
> initially entertain the idea that such imported schema would be  
> limited to specific elements, not written across the entire  
> packet.  That is, STC would be restricted to <WhereWhen> and lmsal  
> and rtml would be restricted to <How>.  Comments?

Yet another good example of why the RTML schema should permit RTML  
snippets rather than forcing a root RTML element?   The RTML 3.2 was  
changed to stop this kind of flexibility (for purely software rather  
than scientific reasons).

I include a "simple" SOHO-EIT RTML document which covers the  
corresponding content so that most of this <How> becomes  
unnecessary.  I assumed the RTML isn't just a resource description  
but is actually connected to an observation, so I included a  
<VOEventReference> in the <Project> and an attempt to mimic the  
simple observation parameters <DateTimeStarted/> and <DateTimeEnded/>  
and some minimal <ImageData> referencing.  Since the example didn't  
have a correct identifier, I faked both the VOEvent and RTML unique  

As always, when the schema is pushed in new directions, missing  
elements are found: in this case, we forgot the  
<SpectralRegion>extreme-ultraviolet</SpectralRegion>.  Also, multi- 
telescope spacecraft may be better described using the following  
construct (also not yet kosher):

	<Device type="spacecraft">
		<Telescope name="EIT">

>>     <Why>
>>        <Inference probability="Inf"/>
>>        <Concept>Loop</Concept>
>>        <lmsal:EVENT_TYPE>LP: Loop</lmsal:EVENT_TYPE>
>>     </Why>
> I think better yet would be for the lmsal event types to inform the  
> evolution of native VO vocabulary lists, such as a VOEvent UCD  
> namespace.  Perhaps Rick can comment.

The current proto-proposal for an appropriate "Standard Vocabulary"  
description fits easily and would be



Dr. Frederic V. Hessman     Hessman at Astro.physik.Uni-Goettingen.DE
Institut für Astrophysik          Tel.  +49-551-39-5052
Friedrich-Hund-Platz 1         Fax +49-551-39-5043
37077 Goettingen                 Room F04-133
MONET: a MOnitoring NEtwork of Telescopes

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