The Napkin Representation

Alasdair Allan aa at
Mon Jul 2 05:03:07 PDT 2007


Okay, returning to the napkin representation of VOTimeSeries thrown  
together at the HTU meeting in Tucson, it looks something like this...

<TimeSeries type="...">
      <Param name="..." value="..." ucd="..." units="..." />
      <Param name="..." value="..." ucd="..." units="..." />
      <Group name="...">
         <Param name="..." value="..." ucd="..." units="..." />
         <Param name="..." value="..." ucd="..." units="..." />
      <Row number="1">
            <Value> ... </Value>
            <Uncertainty> ... </Uncertainty >
         <Flux type="...">
            <Value> ... </Value>
            <Uncertainty> ... </Uncertainty >
      <Row number="2">
            <Value> ... </Value>
            <Uncertainty> ... </Uncertainty >
         <Flux type="...">
            <Value> ... </Value>
            <Uncertainty> ... </Uncertainty >

where a row may (optionally) also contain

      <Row number="1">
            <Value> ... </Value>
            <Uncertainty> ... </Uncertainty >
         <Flux type="...">
            <Value> ... </Value>
            <Uncertainty> ... </Uncertainty >
         <Position units="...">
            <RA> ... </RA>
             <Dec> ... </Dec>
             <Uncertainty> ... </Uncertainty >

an RA and Dec, or again optionally, replacing the entire thing with  
an STC description of the position and time if it is complicated  
enough to warrant that, e.g.

   <Row number="1">
     <ObsDataLocation xmlns="..." xmlns:xlink="..."   
       <ObservatoryLocation id="..." xlink:type="simple"  
         <AstroCoordSystem id="...">
           <CoordFrame id="...">
             <Name>...</Name><CARTESIAN coord_naxes="1"/>
             <ICRS/><TOPOCENTER/><SPHERICAL coord_naxes="2"/>
         <AstroCoords coord_system_id="...">
           <ScalarCoordinate unit="..." frame_id="...">
           <Position2D unit="...">
         <AstroCoords coord_system_id="...">
           <ScalarCoordinate unit="mag" frame_id="...">
           <Position2D unit="deg">

Bearing in mind that there has to be to a way to represent simply a  
(perhaps very long) list of "time, flux" pairs without using STC or  
other complicated bits and pieces or widespread adoption will be  
difficult. That, and in a lot of cases the STC element inside the  
VOEvent message would just have
to be (mostly) repeated for every row as the RA&Dec wouldn't be  
changing. Which is certainly very wasteful way of doing things...

We decided that for the non-STC represetnation we'd restirct  
ourselves to TDB (i.e. BJD), UTC and MJD and frame number only for  
the time stamps, although you would also be able to specify a  
<TimeSeries type="delta_t"> with an additional mandatory <Param> line  
inside the <Meta> block specifying the start of the series, e.g.

<Param name="first" value="..." ucd="..." units="..." >

similar to that necessary for the <TimeSeries type="frame_number"> case.

Attached is an almost readable version of the original napkin for  
posterity (and comparison).

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