Joint VOEvent / HTN workshop - head count?

Rob Seaman seaman at
Tue Feb 13 13:26:43 PST 2007

The likeliest dates for the joint VOEvent III / HTN III workshop  
appear to be the first three weeks of June.  The two sites being  
explored are Tucson, AZ or Pasadena, CA.  We are currently planning a  
3.5 day agenda, which will be a topic for another email.

At this point a show of hands of likely attendees would be very  
helpful.  Please respond directly to me:

	____  June ain't gonna work for me, I won't be there

	____  I plan to attend the workshop in June (assuming no conflict  
with precise dates)

	____  Precise dates in June when I have a conflict:


	____  Hey!  You also ought to invite the following gomers:




Rob Seaman

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