Fwd: VOEvents now produced and published through ESSENCE pipeline

Rob Seaman seaman at noao.edu
Mon Aug 27 08:53:50 PDT 2007


We prototyped infrastructure and formats in support of the events  
described below during last year's "SNe season" down in Chile, and  
will enter production mode during the ESSENCE observing sessions this  
fall - live tests before ADASS.  I might say that we have a meeting  
this week with the PS1/LSST MOPS team, too.  NOAO DPP gratefully  
acknowledges the support of an NVO research initiative grant to  
enable this work.

Kudos (and other small flightless birds) to Phil Warner!


Begin forwarded message:

> From: Michael Wood-Vasey <wmwood-vasey at cfa.harvard.edu>
> Date: August 27, 2007 7:57:25 AM MST
> Subject: VOEvents now produced and published through ESSENCE pipeline
> Dear ESSENCE and PS1 IPP Friends:
> The ESSENCE pipeline now can produce VOEvents (see attached file  
> for an example) and submit them to the publisher.  I have  
> successfully used this in concert with the VOEvent Server/Client to  
> publish a VOEvent for a 2006 SNeIa candidate.  This was then  
> received by  two subscribing machines at Harvard.
> For those familiar with the ESSENCE pipeline, this is done just by  
> invoking 'walerts.py' (our main candidate-processing program) with  
> the '-voevent' ooption:
> walerts.py -event 311 -voevent
> or do all confirmed candidates with
> walerts.py -event confirmed -voevent
> Phil and I will verify and streamline this further this week and  
> figure out how we want to keep track of state and decide when to  
> send out VOEvents, but we have now have a working beta that goes  
> all the way through from ESSENCE candidates to VOEvent alerts with  
> one command.
>  - Michael

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