Google Sky

Alasdair Allan aa at
Wed Aug 22 11:16:20 PDT 2007

As I'm sure most of you are aware Google Sky was launched earlier  
today (see for more details. In the  
spirit of throwing things against the wall and seeing what sticks  
I've knocked together a quick proof of concept demo, and connected  
the broker in Exeter to a real time KML network link.

If you load in Google Sky  
you'll have a real time feed of VOEvent messages flowing across the  
TCP/IP backbone.

Of course unless there have been a few OGLE, Robonet-1.0 or GCN  
messages since I started the feed to the network link there won't be  
much to see yet, and I haven't really taken the time to annotate the  
placemarks particularly well, but lets leave that for tomorrow. It's  
late and time for me to pack in for the day.


PS. The network link above may not get served from the eSTAR with the  
right MIME type as yet, I've got a ticket in with our network guy to  
get the Apache server sorted out as I type...

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