VOEvent streams available: GCN, OGLE, SDSSSS

Roy Williams roy at cacr.caltech.edu
Thu Oct 5 10:09:11 PDT 2006

This note is to announce that a number of VOEvent streams are being  
published through the Caltech node of VOEventNet.

We publish events through an Instant Messaging protocol called Jabber/ 
XMPP. Software to subscribe to this is available from

We have translated GCN notices for quite a while and have both Jabber  
feed and also a web page that is updated whenever a new event comes.  
This page, as well as RSS feed can be found at

Also available from Jabber are OGLE events and now also the events  
from the SDSS supernova search.

The publication node names for these streams are:
estar		 		(Estar's translation of OGLE microlensing alerts)
gcnevents			(Caltech's GCN translation)
lanl					(LANL's GCN translation)
sdssss/events_2006		(SDSS supernova search events)

The Jabber client software can be retrieved from:

Please do not hesisitate to contact us for more information

Roy Williams (VOEventNet PI)
S. George Djorgovski
Andrew Drake
Matthew Graham
Ashish Mahabal
(all California Institute of Technology)
Joshua Bloom (University of California, Berkeley)
Rob Seaman (National Optical Astronomy Observatories)
W. Thomas Vestrand (Los Alamos National Laboratory)


California Institute of Technology
626 395 3670

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