Displaying VOEvents in Aladin through Plastic

Alasdair Allan aa at astro.ex.ac.uk
Tue Mar 14 11:45:30 PST 2006

Robert Hanisch wrote:
> Alasdair Allan wrote:
>> Perhaps in future Aladin, or another display app, could parse the
>> message and display all the applicable data products, e.g. retrieve
>> and plot up a data image and the superimpose and error circle and co-
>> ordinates of the event?
> DataScope already does this, taking VOEvent notices from VOEventNet at
> Caltech.  Take a look at both tools starting from us-vo.org.  And  
> DataScope
> links to Aladin for display and overlay.

I think the question at that point is how does DataScope do this?  
What we/I was proposing was a standard Plastic hook which can be used  
by any Plastic-enabled app to consume or emit to other apps a VOEvent  
message. Personally I was thinking about using to push hand crafted  
solar events from Elizabeth Auden's generator into the event network  
via a broker.


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