Alasdair Allan aa at astro.ex.ac.uk
Tue Mar 7 03:59:44 PST 2006

Alasdair Allan wrote:
> I'm about to start republishing OGLE III EWS events via the eSTAR  
> VOEvent broker...
> PS. Yes, this means the broker will be going up and down...

Actually that went a lot faster than I thought it was going to, it  
should now be live. In other words, OGLE EWS events you get via the  
feed should (in theory) be live events. If there are any exceptions  
to this I'll attempt to have them properly marked as type='test' from  
now onwards.

> PPS. Yes, I know the actual VOEvent messages themselves won't  
> verify against the schema at the moment, I'll fix that as soon as I  
> get the messages pushing through the pipeline from the initial  
> source okay.

The VOEvent syntax in the messages is still pretty borked however,  
this will be fixed over the next few days as I bring the  
Astro::VO::VOEvent message builder up to date, and yes, I will be  
shipping messages with actual STC block in <WhereWhen> so don't panic...


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