VOEvent Manual Injection

Alasdair Allan aa at astro.ex.ac.uk
Mon Jul 3 10:36:22 PDT 2006

The eSTAR (www.estar.org.uk) and Thinking Telescopes  
(www.thinkingtelescopes.lanl.gov) projects would like to announce the  
beta release of a joint project to allow manual generation and  
submission event messages into the emerging VOEvent network (for more  
information on VOEvent see http://www.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/ 

The VOEvent manual injection system makes use of Web 2.0(ish)  
technologies and is available from;




and shares the same code base at the two sites (with minor tweaks and  
tucks as a nod to local sensibilities).

In time we would like to tie this service into the official Registry,  
and do SSO, but right now we're using our own user database. However  
the user DB is shared between the two sites, once you have an account  
with one service you can inject VOEvent messages using either  
endpoint (within a business day to allow for synchronization).  
Registration to use the system is unfortunately required, if you  
would like to register please email either Robert White  
<rwhite at lanl.gov> or myself <aa at astro.ex.ac.uk> with the following  

Author IVORN 		e.g. estar.ex
   (doesn't have to be registered as yet, if you don't have one make  
one up and register it later, or we can do it for you)
Contact Name		e.g. Alasdair Allan
Contact Email		e.g. aa at astro.ex.ac.uk
Contact Phone		e.g. +44-1392-264160
Project				e.g. eSTAR
Institution			e.g. University of Exeter
Default Facility		e.g. Robonet-1.0
Facility URL			e.g. http://www.astro.livjm.ac.uk/RoboNet/

Some screen shots of the service running in Exeter and Los Alamos are  


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