VOEvent, unique id's, and IVORNs

Matthew Graham mjg at cacr.caltech.edu
Thu Jan 19 08:33:26 PST 2006


> I'm at the AstroGrid Technical Workshop this week, and according to 
> the great and the good we should be shipping messages where the id="" 
> attribute contains something like this...
> So the equivalent (valid) eSTAR id (equivalent the the example above) 
> would have to be something like this,
>   <VOEvent id="ivo://uk.org.estar/estar.ex#test/7046.81"
> and the Caltech & RAPTOR ones would be something like,
>   <VOEvent id="ivo://edu.caltech/gcn.gsfc#HETE_SC_Alert_Source/4006-1"
>   <VOEvent id="ivo://gov.lanl/gcn.gsfc#swift/17766663a"
> The important point here is that the authority ID
>   ivo://uk.org.estar
> (for example) should be registered as an authority resource in the 
> registry, and is therefore a namespace, and the corresponding 
> publisher ID
>   ivo://uk.org.estar/estar.ex
> should be in the registry as an organisation resource.

Yes, the IDs are currently incorrect; however, the publisher ID does not 
need to be an Organisation resource but should rather be registered as a 
VOEvent Publisher resource. The problem, of course, is that we have not 
yet worked out the metadata that we require to describe VOEvent 
resources in the registry. This is something we should try and get ready 
for discussion at VOEvent III/IVOA Interop.



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