XSD - new VALID schema

Rob Seaman seaman at noao.edu
Thu Aug 10 09:06:42 PDT 2006

Hi Petr,

If I understand, your previous message was offering a new schema that  
correctly captures the specification, but this latest message is  
suggesting changes to the specification to agree better with XML  
schema best practices (or schema limitations, perhaps)?

I think we should be willing to entertain such for future versions of  
VOEvent, post-1.2, but would strongly urge we not modify v1.1N for  
"technology" reasons.  I think the RFC comment period should be used  
to call out missing or broken features, not to focus on issues of  
software philosophy.

As far as the question of schemata in general,  a schema that  
attempts to capture any specification should be tight fitting where  
the specification is stringent and loose fitting where the  
specification is accommodating.  A schema should not be more  
restrictive than the specification - which is to say that all  
conforming documents should validate.

If there are problems with the specification, one shouldn't have to  
call them out by referring to a schema.  And, in fact, there is no  
one single schema that is acceptable.  One shouldn't say "the VOEvent  
schema", but rather, "a VOEvent schema".


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