VOEvent II workshop

Rob Seaman seaman at noao.edu
Mon Sep 12 12:12:33 PDT 2005


We are in the thick of planning the Second VOEvent Workshop.  A  
formal announcement will follow in about a week, but the logistics  
are shaping up as follows:

     Location:    Tucson, AZ
     Date:           Thursday & Friday, December 1 & 2, 2005
     Venue:        TBD
     Agenda:      Your input desired

This follows immediately after an LSST all-hands meeting and the hope  
is to expand the VOEvent base with new and enthusiastic recruits.  We  
also hope to put some lingering topics to bed, move the process  
forward toward a v1.1 specification, discuss prototype clients and  
publishers (some resulting from the NVO Summer School), and recruit  
new sources and sinks for VOEvent packets.  Current thinking is that  
a day-and-a-half will suffice for this Herculean effort.

Please respond to this mail with an initial statement of whether you  
will be able to (or choose to) attend on those dates at that  
location.  We need to quickly reach a determination regarding the  
existence of a quorum.

More later,

Rob Seaman

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